You’ve selected gorgeous shower tile for your bathroom remodel and now you need to decide whether to show it off by installing a glass shower door or allow it to be a hidden surprise behind a shower curtain. Normandy Designer Becca Ruggiero offers the pros and cons for each option.
“Overall, a shower door is better than a shower curtain at retaining heat and keeping you warmer, because it creates more of a seal,” says Becca. “Shower doors also offer a contemporary feel, and the aesthetic of glass doors present a cleaner look to the bathroom, while also showing off the tile you selected.”
If you chose a standard size bathtub, a stock shower door can be ordered off the shelf. “With nonstandard tub sizes or dimensions, you’ll likely need to order a custom shower door,” says Becca. There are a variety of shower door styles and types, such as sliders, which will have a narrower opening or frameless shower doors, where one piece is stationary and the door swings out. “Be mindful of clearances with the door swings,” Becca cautions. “You’ll want to make sure there is clearance for the toilet or a towel bar that may be in the vicinity.”
Another factor to keep in mind when choosing your shower door is the height of the people who will be using the shower. “Shower doors come in different heights and not many people take this into consideration,” Becca says. “If you’re taller than average, you’ll want a shower door closer to the 7’ version. This way the top of your head and the shower head will remain below the top edge of the shower wall, keeping you warmer, and preventing overspray.”
There are a few drawbacks with shower doors, however. “Since shower doors are mounted to a track usually on the lip of the bathtub, this means more elbow grease is needed to keep it clean,” Becca says. “The shower door track can also get in the way if you’re bending over to bathe children or pets, making a shower curtain the better option.”
Some additional benefits to selecting a shower curtain for your shower/tub combo are that it’s easy to change décor by simply changing out the curtain and you can curate a look that best fits your bathroom’s aesthetic with a fun or unique shower curtain rod and rings. Cost wise, installing a shower curtain will be significantly more affordable than a shower door.
If you’re still in the design idea phase of your bathroom remodel project, reach out to Becca. She can help you design a beautiful retreat within your home, no matter your choice of shower door or curtain. You can find some of our most recent bathroom, kitchen, and home remodeling projects under our Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts.