There are plenty of ways to boost the curb appeal of your home. One design element often overlooked is exterior columns. There are plenty of materials and styles to choose from – however, it’s important to choose wisely and match the character of your home. To guide you towards the best fit, here are some insights from Normandy Designer Jeremy Paris.
“Incorporating columns correctly can really enhance your exterior,” said Jeremy. “They are typically incorporated as part of a larger renovation, like a front porch or larger portico.”
When it comes to styles, they range from classical styles to simple posts. Round and fluted columns work well with certain style homes – like Colonial or Georgian. Tapered craftsman columns are very popular and work well in conjunction with masonry or stone bases. Simple square columns are also popular because they are so versatile.
“Whatever style column you choose, it’s important to get the spacing and proportion right. I also recommend going for fiberglass or composite type material. It’s your best option from a maintenance standpoint,” noted Jeremy.
So we’ve covered style and material, but it’s also important to note that there is more than one way to execute this type of project. You can choose between columns that are load-bearing. Or, columns wrapped around a structural post. Both of these can look great.
When done right, columns are a detail that will add to the charm of your home. When paired with a front porch, like this exterior renovation in Western Springs, you can also utilize your beautiful outdoor space to relax and socialize with neighbors.
Set up a time to talk with Jeremy about your next exterior project. Or, gather design ideas by visiting the Normandy photo gallery or by following Normandy Remodeling on Instagram and Facebook. You can also learn more about the home renovation process by registering to attend one of our upcoming workshops.