
WFH Adjustments You Can Make Today

If you’re like most of America, you’re probably trying to figure out this whole “work from home” thing just like the rest of us. The hustle and bustle of the kids doing schoolwork, the dog asking to be taken out, and your entire neighborhood gallivanting outside are all scenarios we’re still trying to wrap our heads (and ears) around. To make your new norm a touch more manageable, we’ve come up with a few tips for adjusting your new at-home work-space to create a tranquil set up.

Supplies, Supplies, Supplies

Remember that feeling of starting school with a whole backpack’s worth of fresh new school supplies? Well, Normandy Designer Leslie Lee believes that feeling should continue to thrive into adulthood. “I always purchase quality supplies that I find fun and helpful to use,” Leslie exclaims. “I have a ton of erasable pens in pretty much every color, and it’s just a fun way to express my individuality and make my work look a bit more vibrant.”


Tranquility is just a touch (and smell) of a button away. “For me, running an essential oil diffuser (lavender or eucalyptus are my favorites) or even burning my favorite candle in my work area always works wonders to help lighten the mood,” says Leslie. “Not only is the smell pleasant, but the sound of the water from the diffuser is very relaxing as well.”

Neat & Tidy

Keeping your work-space organized and tidy is always a smart idea. “At the end of every work day, I take a few minutes to gather and sort all my documents and supplies,” Leslie mentions. “This lets me to keep everything situated so I know where it is the next day, so I don’t walk into my work-space and feel overwhelmed with clutter.”

Sound Cancellation

Looking to drown out the sound amidst the home chaos? “Headphones are my modern day saving grace,” Leslie says. “They allow me to feel focused on whomever I’m talking too. They’re also great for when I’m listening to my favorite podcast or song.”

Natural Light

Natural light is another contributing factor that instantly alters your mood, which in turn makes you more productive. “I always try to work in an area with lots of natural light,” Leslie notes. “This gives me the option to crack open a window and let in some fresh air to feel a bit refreshed.”

If your at home work space is far from being fixed with just a few minor adjustments, you may want to set up a time with Leslie to discuss more extensive changes for your home. To view our past work, visit our photo gallery or follow Normandy Remodeling on Facebook and Instagram for even more home tips and inspiration.


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