
Primary Bath Considerations: Adding a Couples Shower

dual sets of fixtures to allow for concurrent his and hers showeringAre you considering including a ‘his and hers’ shower in your primary bathroom renovation? Before you start picking out matching showerheads, consider these five points from Normandy Designer Leslie Molloy, CKD.

Is your bathroom large enough to accommodate this type of shower?

“The first, most important consideration for a his and her shower is whether or not the space can allow for it,” said Leslie. “You want to make sure you can both to fit comfortably. If it’s too small, you’ll be crammed and bumping elbows.”

“The ideal size for a his and her shower is eight feet by four feet.”

Do you and your significant other use the bathroom at the same time?

“If you are both in the bathroom at the same time every day, it may make sense to have a dual showerhead,” said Leslie. “However, more often than not, couples don’t need the bathroom at the same exact time.”

Have you considered mechanicals?

“A shower built for two needs the mechanicals to back it up,” said Leslie. “You’ll need to make sure you have enough water pressure and your water heater will need to be upgraded to a larger one that can accommodate two people.”

“Either that or you’ll need to take a really quick shower.”

“Additionally, some villages require you to update your water meter when adding a point of plumbing.”

Shower with navy blue accent wall tile

Who is taller?

“Aesthetically, fixtures look better when they line up. If they don’t, it is visually disrupting. To determine the right height, use the height for whoever is taller and then have them line up,” said Leslie.

What are your other options?

“If you read through these questions and think a his and hers shower might not be the right, you still have options for a great shower experience,” added Leslie. “Instead of spending money on two points of plumbing and two shower heads, you can do a hand shower and showerhead.”

Set up a time to meet with Leslie to discuss your bathroom remodel, including your shower situation. You can also register to attend an upcoming workshop to learn more about the bathroom remodeling process and trends. Or, visit the Normandy photo gallery for more photos and ideas. The Normandy Facebook and Instagram are also great sources of inspiration.


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