Kitchen Remodel or Vacation? Which One of You is Right?
You want a new kitchen… he wants a grand vacation in Hawaii. Now what?
It can feel like the longest and most frustrating debate you’ve ever had with your spouse. She has been wanting a new kitchen for almost a decade, and he thinks the one you have now is perfectly fine. But more importantly – which one of you is right?
Normandy Designer Karen Chanan has witnessed a few of these conversations first hand, and here are some of her observations:
The appliances work (well enough), the cabinets store things and the faucet runs. What else do you need in a kitchen?
Thinking of the kitchen as a functional space as well as the heart of your home and an expression of your personality is the key to this one. Technically, it’s true and you can survive without a new kitchen. But it sure would be nice to take advantage of the upgrades in technology and materials to make your life easier. Not to mention that working in a beautiful space certainly can boost your mood, even when it is just washing pots and pans for the ten-thousandth time.
Not everyone is excited about living on a construction site.
True, living through construction is probably not as fun as a 3-week globe-trotting vacation. But once the vacation is done, so is the enjoyment. (Plus, have you ever packed and prepped for a trip like that – just the laundry is a project unto itself!) Once the construction is complete, however, you get to enjoy your new kitchen every single day for years and years. You’ll enjoy a lot more of those contented sighs in the morning over your coffee sitting in your new kitchen than you will be taking in a beautiful vista overseas for a few days.
Maybe making it easier to host parties isn’t exactly a plus…
Not everyone is all for making the entertaining experience easier, especially if you’d rather enjoy a quiet evening at home. But entertaining can also mean having the kids over for Sunday dinner, or not feeling self-conscious of your home when the neighbors drop by for a few minutes. Just because your new kitchen makes entertaining easier doesn’t necessarily mean your house will turn into party central – although it could make that a reality if you’re so inclined.
The timing is concerning… Are we really ready to do this?
Are you going to be moving in a couple of years? Or, are you anticipating a future expense like college tuition? These are both important things to think about. If you are only going to be there a couple of years, it might make more sense to freshen up some finishes. But, if you are going to be in your home for the next 10-15 years, you should consider remodeling if you can swing it.
In the end of the day, it’s important to have these conversations in order to come to some sort of agreement. If you decide you are ready to move ahead with your remodel, set up an appointment with Karen to get going. Or, if you still want to learn more you can register to attend an upcoming workshop to get a better understanding of the process. You can also gather design ideas by visiting the Normandy photo gallery or by following Normandy Remodeling on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.