Normandy Continues Donations to Benefit Habitat for Humanity
Donating to Habitat for Humanity is nothing new to Normandy Remodeling, as it’s been an ongoing partnership for quite some time. Being in the remodeling industry gives Normandy the opportunity to donate a good deal of big-ticket items to the organization, such as the recent kitchen set from their showroom. The set included cabinetry, an island, and countertops – all in near perfect condition.
“We realize that a lot of the “before” material we take from the houses we remodel, or when we remodel our showroom, can be reused or put to good use, instead of just thrown away,” says Normandy Owner, Andy Wells, “Habitat for Humanity is such an admirable and hardworking organization, and they make the donation process very fluid and simple.”
When Normandy comes across projects that have items eligible for donations, they ask the homeowners if they’d like to donate the usable items being taken out to Habitat for Humanity, and Normandy coordinates the removal and donation process. Everything from old dishwashers to light fixtures, to cabinetry, has been donated by many Normandy customers, and Normandy will continue to give homeowners the option for years to come.
Get in touch with your local Habitat for Humanity Re-Store whenever you have the opportunity to donate – every little bit helps! Or if you don’t have anything to donate but would like to volunteer your time locally, there are many volunteer opportunities that need to be filled as well.